Opencv eye tracking
Opencv eye tracking

We’ll program the ESP32 board using Arduino IDE. OpenCV.js uses Emscripten, a LLVM-to-JavaScript compiler, to compile OpenCV functions for an API library which continues to grow.īefore proceeding with this project, make sure you follow the next pre-requisites. ESP32-CAM Video Streaming and Face Recognition with Arduino IDEĪs described in, “ OpenCV.js is a JavaScript binding for a selected subset of OpenCV functions for the web platform”.HTML, JavaScript, and other browser languages can take advantage of the extensive capabilities of ESP32 and its camera.įor those who have little or no experience with the ESP32 camera development boards can start with the following tutorial. The ESP32 can act as a server for a browser client and some models include a camera (for example, ESP32-CAM) which allows the client to view still or video pictures in the browser. This project/tutorial was created based on Andrew R. It is expected that this introduction will inspire additional OpenCV work with the ESP32 cameras. I will leave this as an exercise for you, dear reader.This tutorial is by no means an exhaustive treatment of all that OpenCV can offer to ESP32 camera web servers. If the search window exceed the frame boundaries, it will trigger errors.


Notice line 117-124, you should add some code to make sure that the search window is still within the frame. cvMinMaxLoc( tm , &minval, &maxval, &minloc, &maxloc, 0 ).cvMatchTemplate( frame, tpl, tm , CV_TM_SQDIFF_NORMED ).* Add some code to make sure that the search window.* If the search window exceed the frame boundaries,.fprintf( stdout, "Template selected. Start tracking. \n" )./* template is available, start tracking! */./* user clicked the image, save subimage as template */.void mouseHandler( int event, int x, int y, int flags, void *param )./* perform tracking if template is available */.cvSetMouseCallback( "video" , mouseHandler, NULL ).cvNamedWindow( "video" , CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE )./* create a window and install mouse handler */./* create image for template matching result */.tpl = cvCreateImage( cvSize( TPL_WIDTH, TPL_HEIGHT ),./* get video properties, needed by template image */.int object_x0, object_y0, is_tracking = 0.#define WINDOW_HEIGHT 24 /* search window height */.#define WINDOW_WIDTH 24 /* search window width */.#define TPL_HEIGHT 12 /* template height */.#define TPL_WIDTH 12 /* template width */.* Display video from webcam and track user's eye with.To reduce extensive computation, the system tracks the feature in a "search window", a small area around the position of the feature in previous frame. The system determines the position of the feature using Sum of Square Differences (SQD) method. The cropped image is used as a template to find the position of the feature in subsequent frames. When the user initially clicks the eye feature, a box is drawn around the square and the subimage within this square is cropped out of the image frame.

Opencv eye tracking